060: Inspiration (part 2)

Hey, πŸ‘‹ Scott from The Sales Mastermind here.

Today’s edition only takes 1 minutes.

Last chance

Does this sound familiar: You've booked sales meetings but nothing will close?

Maybe I can help - see details below


Next time you are feeling down, here are some short clips to get you back in the mood to sell:


​They can take out lives, but they'll never take our freedom!​

There is nothing like Mel Gibson leading Scots into battle as William Wallace to get you excited for whatever the day can throw at you.



Let Vin Diesel inspire you as he wins the business of a doctor who can only buy 2,000 shares for now.


​It's Toasted​

Don Draper explains to cigarette maker Lucky Strike how to differentiate yourself in a crowded, undifferentiated market. Spoiler: you choose your differentiation.


​He Gets On Base​

Sales, like baseball, is only about the next step. Jonah Hill helps the Oakland Athletics' scouting team try to win the championship by first winning each at-bat.


​Show Me The Money​

While it isn't everything, money is one of the key motivators of sales. You are probably in the wrong profession if it isn't part of your motivation. Listen to Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr be brutally honest with each other about their needs and desires.


​Seize The Day​

Robin Williams hits hard with this one. After all, today is all we have. Go out and seize it!


Until next week,
Scott Cowley


PS Struggling to close deals? Not sure where you’re going wrong? Sign up for a sales audit for a detailed assessment of your sales calls, strategy and pipeline. See details here.​


PPS Did you like what you read today? Consider forwarding it to a friend, colleague or team member.

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Hi! It's The Sales Mastermind

I help founders who sell, but aren't "sales"people. Are you open to one hyper actionable sales tip per week, useful for your very next sales meeting and consumable in 4 minutes or less?

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