
Hi! It's The Sales Mastermind

I help founders who sell, but aren't "sales"people. Are you open to one hyper actionable sales tip per week, useful for your very next sales meeting and consumable in 4 minutes or less?

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Hi, and welcome! You’re getting this email as a new member of The Sales Mastermind newsletter. Before we go any further to make sure you get these emails, if this landed in SPAM or the Promotions tab make sure to move it to the “Inbox”. How this works: For the next few days you’ll receive welcome emails with some of the best sales tips, tricks and ideas for “founders who sell, but aren't *sales*people.” Every Sunday I send out 1 hyper-actionable sales idea you can use in your very next sales...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition takes less than 2 minutes. TLDR version: I am pausing this newsletter until 2025. Also, read below for the last chance to work together in 2024. Pause (for now) Firstly, thank you for being part of the journey of The Sales Mastermind Newsletter so far. I’ve been publishing more or less weekly since mid-2023, and I hope you have been learning and growing from the tips, tricks, and ideas. I have gotten so much out of the newsletter,...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. This week we have a longer newsletter that I original wrote for my buddy Nate Ritter over at Founder Labs. Founder Labs Writings is a place for SaaS founders and agency owners. Written by an ex-7-figure agency owner, 3x-exit founder, and SaaS entrepreneur. Sent irregularly, but always with value. Check it out here. Today’s edition takes 8 minutes. This newsletter is for leaders of two types of early-stage SaaS: You have some paying customers, most...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 1 minutes. Last chance Does this sound familiar: You've booked sales meetings but nothing will close? Maybe I can help - see details below Learn more here. Next time you are feeling down, here are some short clips to get you back in the mood to sell: They can take out lives, but they'll never take our freedom! There is nothing like Mel Gibson leading Scots into battle as William Wallace to get you excited for whatever the...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 2 minutes. A fundamental error is when sellers push for the Yes before the buyer can say Yes. Then, the buyer hesitates and objects, and ultimately, the sale ends with "No Decision." Today, we'll cover: Imagine a common scenario Clarity first Indirect questions Yes is Final Picture this: you're running a solid sales process, and the buyer is saying all the right things. They feel the pain, like the product, and seem...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 2 minutes. Struggling to Close? Does this sound familiar: In the last few months, you've had sales meetings, maybe a lot of sales meetings, but revenue just isn't flowing. And you're at your wits end as to why you can book meetings but not close them. If that is you, maybe a Sales Audit can help. Click here to learn if an audit is for you Stop leaving things unsaid; they'll often cause frustration for you, the buyer, and...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 2 minutes. This week is sponsored by…. Me. Is your business closing some deals, but not enough? I work with many sales leaders to do a top to bottom tear down of what is working, what isn't and what to do about it. Sound interesting? Book A Call The hard close is dead; long live the follow-up. Today, we'll cover When sellers win the sale, when they get paid Lose fewer deals Time kills all deals Template When You Win While...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 2 minutes. Every business needs leads. Yet 99% of Startups get lead generation wrong. Last Friday, Alex Urquhart and I ran a LinkedIn Live on this exact topic, and I've summarized our talk below. If you want to watch the Live for yourself, click here. Today, we'll cover: What is Lead Generation Survival Mode Silver Bullet Fallacy Close Rates Let's start with three definitions: What is a "Lead": A lead is anyone who has...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 3 minutes. "We'll talk internally and come back to you" is where sales conversations go to die. If you accept this response, elite sellers will tell you you'll never speak to that buyer again. Today, we'll cover: 60% No Business Priority BAMFAM is Best (but not always possible) The Alternative Talk Track No Business Priority A previous company I worked with was 100% inbound. Yet we closed <10% of qualified leads, a...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 3 minutes. Winner Winner The winner of the Pipeline Review is: Raul. I’ll be reaching out to schedule the Pipeline Review. You can do your own pipeline review using: This Framework Financial returns are inversely correlated with the sexiness of the opportunity. When something is attractive, sexy, exciting, and popular, the amount of money to each individual decreases. The same is true in business. Selling to new customers...

Hey, 👋 Scott from The Sales Mastermind here. Today’s edition only takes 3 minutes. Deals Lagging? To Celebrate the 52nd edition, I am giving away a PIPELINE REVIEW. For 30 minutes we will go over your top 10 stuck deals and how to move them forward. I'll randomly select someone on Friday 26th July 2024. Click here to enter the draw Today, we're covering: Millions Celebrate Ideas to celebrate My Celebration Millions This week, one of my coachees was talking about a stalled deal. Her sales team...