Hey, đź‘‹ Scott from The Sales Mastermind here.

It's the beginning, the launch, Episode One (I’m aiming for A New Hope not The Phantom Menace).

Today’s edition can be read in 4 minutes.

BAMFAM is one of the easiest and most effective tools in your sales toolkit.

It stands for: Book A Meeting, From A Meeting.

Before ending a meeting you should book the next meeting, date and time. Unless they’re not qualified to move forward.

BAMFAM is a great way to save time and an indicator you’re moving towards a successful deal.

Keep the Momentum
In a previous job I investigated why qualified deals were not buying. Over 50% of the time the reason was a Lack of Momentum.

Our rough structure was: Form Fill > Discovery > Demo > Proposal > Signature > Onboarding

Which means at least 75% of meetings (discovery, demo and proposal) should end with BAMFAM.

By letting prospects off the hook, more than 50% of our deals disappeared. BAMFAM would have kept the momentum.

​Save Time​
BAMFAM is binary - you either book the meeting or you don’t.

Either they feel the pain enough to continue the conversation or the conversation ends and you don’t need to chase.

Chasing for follow up meetings takes up around 20% of sellers time so BAMFAM allows you to save around 1 work day per week.

An Indicator of Future Success

BAMFAM’ing is a critical lesson on your personal progress.

When the prospect is eager to book your next meeting you have hit on a pain worth solving 🥳.

If the prospect is not willing to book a follow up, you’re learning what doesn’t work. Maybe it was: A lack of pain You didn’t build trust The wrong prospect or company No budget The list is endless….

BAMFAM’ing, gives you a solid signal that you’re on the right path or you’re missing something vital to successfully selling.


It’s as simple as it sounds as the meeting is wrapping up Book A Meeting, From A Meeting.

Remember, buyers book meetings for their reasons, not ours. So the next meeting needs to be valuable to the buyer or you won’t get the booking.

For example, lay the foundations: You: “Great, so based on what you’ve just said I assume XXXX would be important during any follow up conversations?”


You: “Ahh, ok, I understand. If we could solve YYYY problem, would that be enough to move forward?”
Prospect: “Yes”
You: “Great, I’ll make sure we cover that during our next meeting”

Then the meeting is coming to a close: You: “Based on everything we have covered, the next step is to put 1 hour in the calendar and we go into detail on XXXX and YYYY. Does that sound like it makes sense?”

Then, book a meeting.

👏👏You have BAMFAM’d and made it valuable for the prospect to attend the next meeting.

For an example of a different examples check out Dan Martell talking about BAMFAM here.


  • BAMFAM = Book A Meeting, From A Meeting
  • Momentum is everything in sales
  • Save time with BAMFAM
  • Understand if you’re on path to success
  • Now book a meeting

And that’s a wrap….

As this is our first edition please reply and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your thoughts or feedback.

And if you’re not getting value please consider unsubscribing - no one needs emails they don’t get something from.

Until next time

Hi! It's The Sales Mastermind

I help founders who sell, but aren't "sales"people. Are you open to one hyper actionable sales tip per week, useful for your very next sales meeting and consumable in 4 minutes or less?

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